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Formatting text

Whenever you see a big text box for you to enter longer-form text, you can use Markdown markup to add a little bit of formatting. This happens in task, client and product notes, and the text you enter in settings for the Help page.

Here’s a quick summary of some useful things you might want to use:

## Hash marks make text big like a heading
- dashes make a
- list with bullet points
You can make text _italic_ or **bold**.
1. numbered lists have
2. a number then a . at the start of a line
You can also make a mini task list with checkboxes
- [ ] here's a line with an un-checked checkbox
- [x] and a checked one
### More hashmarks makes a smaller heading
Normal paragraphs look like this. You can include links:
[this is the link text](
Make a new paragraph by leaving a blank line after the previous paragraph

This whole block renders like this:

The above markdown code snippet, rendered as formatted textThe above markdown code snippet, rendered as formatted text

The above code block as it would render inside Herding Cats

Here’s a more complete markdown cheatsheet